How Vue.js compares against ReactJS and AngularJS in runtime performance?

Coming up with front-end infrastructure is challenging. It requires the developer to engage in critical thinking, discuss with the experts, make wise decisions, and implement the idea successfully. The developer must be prepared to research on the various options available before choosing the way forward. One of the critical considerations to make is to find … Read more

Use, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Contraceptive Pills

Use, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Contraceptive Pills Contraceptive Pills: An emergency contraception is a medicine taken by women to prevent unwanted pregnancy immediately after unprotected sex. Some popular emergency contraceptives are the pill and unwanted -72. It is important to note the word “emergency”. If you are sexually active or planning to be there, then … Read more

How to refresh those tired computer eyes?

Sitting in front of the computer screen strains the eyes and something unavoidable nowadays as most of the work and various other activities are executed on these digital mediums. Other factors further contributes to the strain such as poor lighting, keeping the screen too close to the face, not blinking the eyes and all such. … Read more

Artificial Intelligence in Travel Industry

Do you know some of the most searched keywords in the internet? No, They are artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning. These technologies are improving by leaps and bounds. So, what is their best part? The software applications linked to AI are reliable and attractive. For the benefit of mankind. AI has already made … Read more