What Are Vertigo Medications?

Vertigo Medications

Feeling dizzy or experiencing spinning sensations? Facing difficulty in lifting heavyweights? Walking up the stairs feels like a tremendous task? Driving a car seems to be life-threatening as you experience sudden spinning sensations in between? And simple walking even seems like a task?

If yes, you are experiencing vertigo conditions.

The condition may range from acute to moderate depending on the underlying condition. Vertigo is not an ailment but a symptom of various underlying conditions that creates hindrance in accomplishing daily chores. 

Vertigo symptoms recur anytime without any warning signs, if not treated on time. A spinning sensation where a person feels whether he is spinning or nearby surroundings are in motion is referred to as vertigo. It is a common condition experienced by a large percentage of people at least once in a lifetime irrespective of age and gender.

Low sugar levels or high blood pressure or slight dehydration can make a person feel dizzy and show signs of vertigo. Apart from it, BPPV, Meniere’s disease, vestibular neuritis, vestibular migraines, labyrinthitis, etc. are some of the common conditions that lead to vertigo conditions in patients. 

Mild vertigo conditions are treated well with vertigo home remedies and repositioning maneuvers after the advice of your doctor. If you are experiencing vertigo bouts quite frequently and your condition does not seem to ease, consulting an expert neurologist is recommended. He will prescribe you with certain vertigo medication or dizziness medications after examining your underlying cause of vertigo closely.  He will prescribe a dose of Vertigo tablet for about 3-4 days. It is advised not to continue the prolonged use of any vertigo medications if symptoms do not seem to escalate.

In very rare cases, surgery is recommended by medical professionals to treat the condition.

Vertigo medication

Vertigo medication is beneficial for treating vertigo spins along with vertigo symptoms like dizziness, vomiting & nausea. A wide range of vertigo tablets is available in the market in various mg’s that are prescribed according to the severity of the condition. Mild vertigo conditions ease with vertigo tablets such as Dimenhydrinate and meclizine whereas certain suppressants are even suggested by neurologists depending upon the condition of the patient.

Let’s go through the common vertigo medication list that is generally prescribed by neurologists:

1. Vertin Tablet

Vertin is one of the most popular vertigo tablets that is generally prescribed to patients who are diagnosed with vertigo spells. 

Once you are diagnosed with vertigo due to Meniere’s disease, your doctor will prescribe you with a dose of Vertin tablet, as it is quite effective in treating such a condition. It not only helps in easing out the condition by managing fluid buildup in the inner ear but helps in easing out other symptoms like ringing sensation, hearing loss, and repeated episodes of dizziness as well. Vertin consists of a drug named Betahistine, which is responsible for maintaining proper circulation in the inner ear. 

As other suppressants show some downsides, Vertin stands apart. It does not make a person experience a loss of equilibrium after the completion of the dose.

Once you are diagnosed with vertigo, before suggesting Vertin your neurologist will give you a brief about the precautions to be taken while taking vertigo tablets. He will prescribe you with the right mg depending on the severity of the underlying cause.  

2. Stugeron Forte Tablet

Migraines can even result in repeated episodes of vertigo spells. If you are experiencing migraine headaches for a long duration, it can be an underlying cause for repeated bouts of vertigo. 

Your neurologist will diagnose you for the same and if results turn out to be positive, he may prescribe you with Stugeron Forte Tablet to ease your condition. It is one of the effective vertigo medication to treat vertigo bouts caused due to migraines.

Experiencing acute vertigo attacks? Or feeling dizzy? Stugeron Forte Tablet is one of the best and effective vertigo tablets to treat the condition.

Cinnarizine is the main component found in the Stugeron Forte tablet that recovers various symptoms like motion sickness and migraines that lead to repeated episodes of vertigo. Cinn, cinzan, cintigo, etc are some of the common brand names under which cinnarizine is available. 

It is advised not to continue vertigo or dizziness medications for a prolonged period as it shows its downsides like drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, etc.

It is advised not to take any other vertigo medicine with Stugeron Forte Tablet to make it work effectively. Its effect gets reduced when you take it with any other vertigo medication. It does not show accurate results in this case scenario.

3. Stemetil Tablet

Stemetil is another drug that helps in easing recurring episodes of vertigo and other symptoms like dizziness, motion sickness, uneasiness, depression, nausea, etc. 

Your neurologist will prescribe you with a Stemitil tablet after diagnosing your condition and seeking complete medical history. 

There are certain health conditions that restrict doctors from prescribing Stemetil tablets to treat vertigo condition. Respiratory problems, kidney disorders, thyroid disorders, liver disorder, cardiac condition, pregnancy, jaundice, glaucoma, epilepsy, etc. are some of the common conditions that refrain doctors from prescribing Stemetil vertigo tablet to treat vertigo spells. 

The strength of Stemetil Tablet is 5mg. It is even available in 12.5 mg and 25 mg in the market. Your doctor will prescribe you with the right mg depending on the severity of the condition.

With Stemetil tablet you don’t have to worry about the form of medication and you can choose which you find easy to take. It is available in the form of tablets, syrups, injections, etc. 

4. Meclizine Tablet

Acute vertigo spells are treated quite well with Meclizine Tablet. Your doctor will prescribe you with Meclizine after diagnosing your condition. 

It is readily available in the market under various brand names such as Antivert, Meni -D, Meclozine, Bonine, Dramamine, Verti Calm, D-Vert, Meclicot, Medivert, Driminate II, etc. 

Meclizine tablet is the only vertigo medication that can be taken by pregnant women as well if she is suffering from sudden bouts of vertigo spells. 


Vertigo medications show effective results in easing symptoms of vertigo. But do not self-medicate!! As you may risk your life.

 Consult an expert neurologist as soon as you experience any signs or symptoms of vertigo. 


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