10 Fun Games to Play on Zoom with Students


Zoom is a great tool for teachers, but it’s not just for classroom use. You can also use it as an extension of your homeroom or after-school program by using it in small groups or with individuals. If you’re looking for some fun ways to incorporate Zoom into your school day, here are 10 games that can be played on the app:

1. coin flip Online

This game is a great way for students to practice flipping coins and determining the outcome of their flips. It also helps them learn about how probability works by having them predict what will happen next based on their current situation. For example, if you’re playing this game in class, it could be useful if you have one student who always gets heads and another who always gets tails. If they flip coins together while they wait for the results of other people’s flips (both from within their group and from others), then eventually everyone will know who’s more likely to get heads or tails next time around!

2. Flashcards (or word cards)

If you’re looking for a fun way to play Zoom with students, flashcards are the perfect option. Flashcards are simple: they allow students to practice their reading skills in small doses and at their own pace. The best part? You can make your own flashcards easily!

You will need:

  • paper (or cardstock) of different colors
  • something to color on like paint pens or crayons if you’d like your cards to look more professional

3. Memory games (e.g. Simon, Ketchapp, etc.)

Memory games are a fun way to teach students how to recall information. These types of games can be used in many different ways, such as:

  • teaching students how to recall information in different ways (e.g., with visual cues or sounds)
  • teaching students how to recall information with varying levels of difficulty or speed

4. Rebus UDLs

Rebus UDLs are a fun way to introduce new vocabulary and concepts to your students. They’re also a great way to get them excited about learning, because they’re so easy!

  • What is a rebus? A rebus is an interactive picture puzzle that uses pictures instead of words. In this game, you’ll be able to use the letters in each word as clues for what its meaning might be. For example: “The lion eats grass” becomes “The lion eats grass / he’s hungry.” This can help students learn new words faster by using their knowledge from something familiar (like reading) instead of trying hard enough without any context or examples whatsoever!
  • How do I use rebuses in the classroom? There are many ways you can adapt this game for your own students—the most important thing is just making sure everyone has fun while learning together! You could even have some sort of prize at the end if they complete all five puzzles correctly; after all, who doesn’t love getting rewarded after completing an assignment successfully?!

5. Word Scramble/Puzzle Pack

Word scramble puzzles are a great way to practice spelling, vocabulary and grammar in a fun and engaging way. You can make these word scrambles with the students or they could be made by you as part of your own lessons. Here are some examples:

  • Word Scramble 1 (with answer key)
  • Word Scramble 2 (with answer key)
  • Alphabet Scramble 1 (with answer key)

6. Radiator Rumble (or any other sound board activity)

Use your voice to make sounds.

Use the sound board to make sounds.

Use the sound board to make music, beats, and songs.

Use the sound board to rap!


Minesweeper is a game that requires students to think critically and problem solve. The goal of the game is simple: clear all the tiles before they fill up your grid with numbers or letters (or both). However, it can be challenging for students to figure out what tiles are hiding behind other ones—especially if there are multiple layers in their grid!

minesweeper play is great for helping students understand how information can be presented in different ways. For example, if you were asked to explain how many red squares were hidden by blue squares in your chessboard analogy, what would you say? How many reds should we count as one “square”? If there was only one red square here but three blues elsewhere on our board, does that mean there’s more than one type of color present here? These types of questions are common when learning about colors and shapes through art projects like coloring books or puzzles like Sudoku games. By playing these types of games together as a group or individually (which makes things more competitive!), kids learn how important it is not just having knowledge but also knowing how best use whatever amount available resources given at hand efficiently–this includes time too!

8. Venn diagrams or Storyboarding Worksheets

Venn diagrams and storyboarding worksheets are a great way to get students to think about similarities and differences between things.

You can use these kinds of activities in all kinds of ways: you can ask students to create their own venn diagram, or have them draw one on the board. You could also assign them different versions of the same task (like “write down three facts about yourself”), or have them come up with an explanation for why something is true/false (for example: “I am tall because I am American”).

When used effectively, these types of exercises will help your kids develop critical thinking skills by requiring them to make connections between two concepts—and it will also encourage creativity!


There are so many fun and engaging ways to play games with students. You can use these to help promote critical thinking, develop higher-order thinking skills, and increase student engagement in the classroom. In this post, we’ll look at ten games that are easy to implement on Zoom and will be sure to get your students excited about coming back again soon!

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