Sandpits in the garden

Because kids love to play in sandpits boxes, why not put one in the garden? It will become a real playground for the little ones, and no need to go to the park!

Wooden sandpits

The wooden sandpits has the great advantage of melting into the vegetation of your garden. This is a natural decoration in which you will have sandpits so that your child can settle there. You will find square, rectangular or octagonal. Some models even have a cover to protect the sandpits from the weather and animals.

Plastic sandpits

More fun, plastic sandpits have funny shapes. It is found in the form of boat, frog, ladybug or turtle. They almost always have a protective cover. Be aware that this type of pool can also be used as a paddling pool. You can also put water in the lid when it is open to offer your child to play in the sandpits after swimming.

Discover our selection of sandpits for children here: 

Sandpits and water games: you must haves of summer

It’s summer, the time of two great classics: the games of sandpits and water! Children are fans and their benefits are well established. In addition to the pleasure they provide, these games have many educational interests. What are they ? Why do kids like these must-have games so much?

The games of water and sandpits: why the little ones love!

Playing with water or with sandpits are pleasant sensory experiences, even fascinating for the child. Indeed, these are two elements that change appearance, shape as many times as you want and provide new sensations on the skin. Suffice to say that you are sure he will not get tired of these games: he can spend hours while remaining calm and focused. Why? Simply because he plays for himself.

The water games: a refreshing game but not only…

Responding to a natural need, water games are a great source of pleasure for the child. Thanks to them, the child discovers different ways to apprehend the water, in a different environment of the bath: he likes to feel the water to flow on his skin, to watch it flow between the fingers etc. Although perceived by the child as a free game, water games must remain educational activities proposed and supervised by adults. Indeed, these games impose hygiene precautions, including:

To prevent the child from drinking the water, with which he plays, evolves;

Do not let the water in the basins, bins or wheelbarrows stagnate.

Playing with sandpits: a tactile discovery

When it first comes into contact with the sandpits, whether at the beach or in the sandpits of the nursery or park, the child shows a foolproof curiosity. He then solicits his sense of touch to discover this new texture including flowing it between his fingers. Not knowing what he’s dealing with, the young child will even test the taste. Expect to hear a “yuck”. Do not hesitate to put words on what he feels without scolding him: “You see, it’s not good. Do not put it in your mouth”. After this phase of exploration, the child will really start to play and develop his imagination: he also likes to mix sandpits and water to turn them into slush, mold pies, shape shapes, build a castle and invent stories of kings, queens and knights. From the real patchwork to pedagogical accents!

Games with pedagogical virtues

In addition to their playfulness, the sandpits and water games allow the child to be an actor of his activity. It is he who chooses to come into contact with water or sandpits and to vary the experiences. It acts on the elements, transforms them, notes the different reactions. So, by following the sandpits or water running through a sieve, the child is visually stimulated. This stimulation is completed on the motor plane especially during the games of transfer: when he fills a bucket, vacuum or transverse in another container, the child stimulates fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. He learns the notions of inside / outside, inside / outside and containers / contents. In addition, these games are also an opportunity to share moments of fun with other children, which is beneficial in social terms. Indeed, he learns to share, “negotiate” and compromise to make the game run smoothly. The child can also play alone: ​​he will then develop his autonomy because he alone decides how he wants to play and what he wants to do. In addition, he will develop his language skills. As an adult, you can accompany the game and enrich it by putting words on what happens: “I see that something is floating” for example. While having fun and even if he does not pay attention, the child records the words spoken and associates them with the action taken.

The must-play games of sandpits and water

In order to accompany the games of sandpits and water, our team has selected for you some essential adapted to children from 18 months:

Activity tables: made of thick polyethylene, our tables and bins of activities can be used indoors and outdoors to develop sandpits and water games,

The wheelbarrow: if it is used to transport toys or plants, you can also divert its use and fill it at will,

Two water games to watch the water flow through in different ways: PLUI WATER GAME or Rain Games

A bucket, a shovel for your transfer games,

Water and sandpits mill to discover the cause-and-effect relationships that make the mills turn,

The floating boats to play in water.

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