Omega-3 and Omega-6: What You Need to Know About Fatty Acids

To maintain the health and elasticity of the skin, the body needs fatty acids in foods. They are involved in the metabolism and chemical reactions of the brain, the transmission of nerve impulses. Along with proteins and carbohydrates, compounds are the building material for hair cells, nails, and muscle corset.

The danger of trans fats provoking cancer, early heart attacks and strokes has been proven. But nutritionists recommend not avoiding the natural fats found in foods. To maintain health, it is important to maintain a balance. Remember about moderate use and the rules of cooking.

Types of Fatty Acids

To varying degrees, fats are found in all products of animal origin. When broken down, they form fatty acid molecules – the main source of energy and vitality. This is an important component of the walls of blood vessels, membranes of the brain, muscle fibers. The excess accumulates as reserve adipose tissue.

The main types of fatty acids:

  • Saturated. Prevail in animal fats and high-fat products (lard, processed meat products, and smoked meats). They differ in a more dense structure. With frequent use, they become the cause of loss of elasticity of blood vessels and tissues deposited in the form of cholesterol plaques.
  • Monounsaturated. Such fatty acids are the basis of vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed, sesame). They found in nuts, sunflower seeds, are easily absorbed by the body, are useful for moderate use without heat treatment.
  • Polyunsaturated. Contained in marine fish (Omega-3 fatty acids, Omega-6, and Omega-9), eggs and meat. Protect from cancer, maintain vascular tone, improve brain function.

Nutritionists warn that the share of fats in the daily diet should be no more than 30%. Oversupply turns into extra pounds and centimeters at the waist.

The benefits of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids

Useful fatty acids prevail in plant foods, meat, and liver of fish. The human body can not synthesize them on its own, it receives substances with food. The most valuable for the health of the skin and nails:

  • Omega-3 or alpha-linolenic
  • Omega-6 or linoleic
  • Omega-9 or oleic

These are natural antioxidants that remove toxins. Stimulate the regeneration of epidermal cells, and increase skin elasticity. They are useful for the heart and blood vessels, reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis.

When cleaved, the omega-6 fatty acid activates the immune defense and supports the lymphatic system. The body easily resists viruses, pathogenic bacteria, and inhibits inflammatory processes in the intestines. When immunity is lowered, lean on vegetable oils, pumpkin seeds, low-fat chicken meat, and fish.

Omega-3 acid actively involved in the production of many hormones supports the endocrine system. This is the main source of the fight against vascular atherosclerosis, early Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease. It stimulates the renewal of cartilage, preventing arthritis and arthrosis. In large quantities, the substance found in fish oil and liver. To maintain supply, eat 75 g of mackerel or tuna several times a week.

What is the danger of a lack of fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6

With the regular use of beneficial compounds, hair growth accelerated, the skin looks fresh and supple. But with the constant use of fast food, strict mono-diets, an imbalance occurs. The main symptoms indicating a lack of Omega-3 and Omega-6:

  • mood swings, irritability
  • distraction, memory impairment
  • peeling of the skin, dry hair
  • heart rhythm disturbance
  • chronic fatigue
  • decreased metabolism, weight gain.

Doctors attribute the lack of beneficial acids to infertility, the onset of diabetes, and hyperactivity in children. But to maintain health, it is important to maintain an acid balance in a 1: 1 ratio. Unfortunately, with a modern diet, a person receives Omega-6 in an increased dose, and 85% of people experience Omega-3 deficiency.

An excess of Omega-6 is dangerous for the body. If you consume more than 30-50 g of vegetable oil per day. The risk of heart disease rises to 70%. Season salads with lemon juice, sour cream, soy sauce. Refuse from cooking vegetables in deep fat, bake meat in your juice.

How to choose healthy fats

  • In addition to food, vitamin complexes can become a source of fatty acids. But when choosing food additives, make sure of their quality and safety:
  • The composition of the drug should not contain synthetic flavor enhancers, dyes, preservatives.
  • The manufacturer should use only marine fish. Fat should not be extracted from the liver but carcasses.
  • Pay attention to the variety of fish – the smaller it is, the better. The highest quality fat obtained from sardines and anchovies.
  • When buying a dietary supplement, make sure that the basis of the composition is high-quality Spanish olive oil. It contains natural polyphenols, enhances the anti-inflammatory effect, and muffles unpleasant bitterness.

Features of the use of fatty acids

The dosage of preparations based on fish oil selected individually, depending on the well-being of the person. It is important to determine the purpose of the use of acids: treatment or prevention of diseases, maintaining immunity. Despite the importance of Omega-3 and Omega-6, the body does not need an overabundance of them.

The need for healthy fatty compounds can be fully satisfied by 1 tablespoon of fish oil. The daily rate, on the recommendation of doctors, should not exceed 2000 mg of the active substance.

With prolonged use of dietary supplements with Omega-6, blood thinning occurs. Therefore, do not use drugs 7-10 days before surgery. Make a polyunsaturated acid lab test to eliminate the risk of complications and bleeding.

Nutritionists recommend not to get involved in the intake of dietary supplements, to receive nutrients from food. The ideal diet is salads with a dressing made from olive oil and flax seeds, nut sauces and pasta for breakfast, some salmon or trout for lunch.

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