Easy to Remember Ground Safety Tips for Your Pet Horse!

If you have a pet horse, make sure that you teach it some basic commands so that it responds to you without problems. Your horse should be taught how to stand and walk when you lead him or her. When you are leading your horse, make sure you wear gloves and all the ropes or the lunge lines must be wrapped around your hand or allowed to trail on the path you walk.

Grooming tips for horses

When you are grooming your horse, make sure to tie it up. This will help you to move confidently around the horse averting the dangers of being trapped in a single corner. When you are tying your horse make sure you are wearing a head collar. The rope must be secured with a loop. In case, your horse panics, make sure to pull the loop with force. This causes the string to break, and so your horse does not face the risks of falling over and getting injured. Never tie the rope to the reins or else your horse will suffer from a serious injury that may become permanent in the future. When you are attending to the legs or the feet of your horse, make sure you squat before the horse and not kneel. This will help you in case of a quick reaction. Even when your vet is treating your horse, make sure to hold him or her. You should always stand on the same side of the vet.

Feeding your pet, the right food alone and away from other animals to prevent aggression

Never feed your pet in the presence of other animals or horses. This will invoke aggression in some cases and result in an injury if things get out of control. Your pet needs a special diet and so make sure that it gets the right amount of food and water. Domestic horses need separate horse care from their peers that participate in horse racing tournaments. You get to see them on websites like TVG. These horses have a special diet, and they are looked after by professional handlers and vets experienced in the field of horse racing and care.

Make sure your horse gets comfortable shelter and protection from the harsh weather

Make sure your horse gets a dry and comfortable shelter. Your horse should feel warm during the cold months. So, make sure that your pet gets sufficient water, food, and protection from the cold, snow and rain during the winter months. The stable or the barn where your horse rests should be big enough for it to rest and sleep.

Like all pets, your horse has its traits. So, understand your horse and make sure it is happy and healthy. Schedule regular visits to the vet so that underlying health issues can be arrested before they become serious. Horses are adorable pets, and they are loyal to their masters. Treat them with love and care- they will forever remain faithful and love you back unconditionally always!

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