Best Jobs for The Future {2020}

Today I’m going to discuss about the best jobs for the future for 2020 and beyond. The reason I’m making this article because income is your biggest wealth-building tool. So you can be super strategic and super defensive of, you know, cutting coupons and, you know, keeping a budget and all that stuff. if you have an income problem, that’s gonna be your number one problem to building wealth. So to put yourself in a position to succeed, I’ve come up with this list of pretty much 9 different jobs that are going to grow for 2020 and beyond.

Artificial Intelligence:

With the rise of artificial intelligence and changes in technology, these are careers you may consider moving into for the long run. I may even consider making a video about jobs that are going to be irrelevant or obsolete five to 10 years from now. But that’s a topic for another article. So I compiled this list, as I mentioned, based on job growth and earning potential. without further ado, let’s get right into this article. the number one best career for the future based on numbers. And also just what I’m seeing anecdotally in my personal life is an app developer or a software engineer.

So every time you use your smartphone, your tablet, your laptop, your computer, pretty much anything that’s running with an operating system and that has applications on it, meaning the programs that you run, you can think an app developer. I’m going to keep three common themes. We’re going to have projected job growth through 2027, OK? Percentage-wise, then we’re gonna have the median salary. So just money and then we’re going to have an education. And now I’ll just have like four years, six years, doctorate degree, bachelor’s degree, whatever. So for an app developer, the projected job growth through twenty twenty-seven is going to be roughly 30 percent. The median salary is one hundred thousand dollars. And the education required is a bachelor’s degree. So I did four-plus for four years plus of schooling. However, I do know people personally that broke into entry-level positions just based on projects that they’ve done in their spare time, even though they haven’t necessarily had the formal education. You can definitely break into these companies, but you won’t reach this number one hundred thousand dollars unless you’re there for a few years at least. So entry-level developers are paying me somewhere in the neighborhood of like 60 grand depending on where you live. But for just a four-year degree or even without a four-year degree, this is a great number one.

Nurse Practitioner:

Number two is near and dear to my heart because it is a nurse practitioner. So you’re going to see a lot of recurring themes. As I mentioned, you see a lot of tech jobs, and a lot of jobs in healthcare. That’s just because that’s where all the jobs and where the demographics are flowing. So more people are getting older and older every day. I think it’s ten thousand people in the United States every day turns 60 or older. So as these people get older and older, they’re putting pressure on these health care systems and on these doctors that are understaffed, basically, because there are so many people that need medical attention. So think about it logically. When you’re young, you don’t necessarily go to the hospital as much as you would if you’re older. So with that being said, nurse practitioners are in super high demand and they’re actually going to be filling a lot of the things or the roles that doctors do. They can see patients. They can do check-ins. They can do prescription writing. They can do a lot of stuff. So projected job growth for twenty twenty-seven is roughly thirty-five percent, which is huge. This was one of the highest on the list. The median salary is gonna be right around one hundred and three thousand dollars. So we live in the Midwest. This is a very healthy salary for where we live. But I say that I’m always going to work.

Health Services Manager:

The number 3 is what we call the health services manager. I know this sounds similar or very ambiguous to pretty much all these other medical terms that you’re going to be hearing throughout the course of this video. However, the health services manager on just calls it HSM. I don’t know if that’s the formal abbreviation or not, but we’ll just for the sake of brevity, this position essentially oversees either certain departments within a larger medical organization like a hospital. So they may oversee the surgery department or they may oversee an entire practice, like in the nursing home or senior living or any of those types of facilities. So I worked in commercial real estate for three years and we got rid of all of our office buildings and started to build ground-up senior living facilities. And this was definitely one of the most advertised for positions because it’s hard to fill these positions.

the projected job growth through twenty twenty-seven is twenty-one percent. And again, that all stems back to that aging population that I talked about, median, salary. You’re looking at 96 thousand dollars a year. That’s the median.

Corporate Financial Manager:

The typical education is for your degree, which is a bachelor’s degree. So number 4 is a corporate financial manager. So we basically call this FEMA. So let’s see for I’ll just call it as a PSA. This means financial planning and analysis. So instead of being a financial planner for an individual like someone who you go to see for your personal finances, these are pretty much the financial planners and the analysts that work within a corporation. So the financial managers are in charge of managing a company’s risks, maximizing return on investment and deploying the company’s cash wisely. So my friend is actually a finance and accounting recruiter and he says that these jobs are always in demand and that they’re super hot right now. So the projected job growth through twenty twenty-seven is nineteen points one percent. The median salary is one twenty to a year. And education can be. I’ll call it four to six because typically you could break into one of these positions with a bachelor’s degree. But typically they look for masters when I’m browsing through the kind of like these, like career opportunities, things. Most employers are asking for a master’s degree for a financial manager.

Computer Systems Manager:

Number 5 is what we call a computer systems manager. if you think about it logically, most businesses, I’d say 90 percent of businesses now have to run on computers, whether it’s a point of touch sale system, whether it’s a network, whether it’s, you know, a database that contains all your customer’s information.

This computer systems manager is basically the person in charge of the computer. So the technology of the organization. So this makes this position a very high demand just because every business pretty much needs this in one way or another. But on the big corporate level, this is what I’m talking about here. So ultimately, these people plan, coordinate and direct all the I.T. of an organization. And the projected job growth is fourteen point four percent. The median salary is right around one hundred and thirty-eight thousand dollars. And then the education required is a bachelor’s degree. But you do need at least. You know, five to 10 years of experience working in that corporate culture. You can’t just get a job like this right out of school. It’s very difficult unless your dad owns the company. That’s always a plus. But my name’s not Brad or Chad, so that’s not going to work out here. So with all this being said, you do have to have. How do I say this experience in the corporate world typically within your organization? Because they want people who have been with the organization managing this kind of stuff. So they’re familiar with the ecosystem. And also, this is a good track to becoming basically a CEO or basically a CIO, which is a chief information officer.

I.T. Security:

Number six is basically the people that are running the information security or people that are like security analysts. So we’ll call this like I.T. security.

So my buddy actually does this. So he works well. I can’t say who he works for. It just the big government agency that flies into space. So he does the I.T. security for them. So to piggyback off of what I just said. You obviously have computers that are implemented in most businesses now. Obviously, those computers are at risk of being hacked. OK. So you have banks, financial institutions, health care companies. These are big employees, employers of I.T., security analysts. So protecting clients’ data and patients data is obviously an example of this, which is a huge business going back to the aging population. Hospitals are just going to have more and more patients as time goes on. So the projected job growth is pretty high at twenty-seven percent. The median salary is ninety-five thousand dollars, but can definitely go higher than that. I’ve seen it personally. And then the education required is a bachelor’s degree with four years going back to health care.

Physician Assistant:

Number seven is a physician assistant. So this is a p-a. So this isn’t necessarily a doctor. These people are a little bit smarter, in my opinion, because they don’t go through all the training with medical school and all the student loans and all the headaches that it takes to become a doctor. These are kind of like Doctor Lite meeting that they avoided all the cost and time of going to med school.

But there’s still definitely a vital part of the medical team. So they’re similar to nurse practitioners and the fact that they can diagnose, treat patients and write prescriptions. And the projected job growth for twenty twenty-seven is very high. Thirty-five percent definitely going to be a need there. And again, going back to that aging population paradigm. The median salary is one hundred and five thousand dollars a year.


And then the schooling is definitely a master’s degree. So we’re looking at like six-plus years of school for this. So the pay I know a girl. I know that. I know its sounds like one of those videos where I know a guy and a girl, you know, sound like that guy. I really do. These are people that are close friends of mine. She said that this was a great decision becoming a P.A. because all because of all the financial things that I mentioned, they have a good salary. It definitely goes up from here, especially if you live in a city with a lot of good hospitals. Here in Cleveland, we have the clinic, Cleveland Clinic, which is world-renowned. Then we also have a lot of other government hospitals as well. So she was very happy with this decision. And I know someone personally that went this route. If you want to stay in the medical field and you don’t want to have all the schooling.

You can definitely be this. And this is a registered nurse. OK. So registered nurses are probably one of the most underappreciated workers, in my opinion. I didn’t know this until I married my wife. My wife isn’t our end. Her mom’s and our and her dad’s an hour and half. Her family’s in the medical field. OK. And these are all just very hard workers. I have the utmost respect for registered nurses. So nurses are actually the fifth largest of all occupations in the United States. And it’s still growing like crazy. So it’s challenging work. People are going to treat you very poorly just the way they talk to you. But in my opinion, it’s very rewarding based on all the stuff that my wife tells me about it. So the projected job growth through twenty twenty-seven is 16 percent. The median salary. We’re looking at sixty-nine thousand. They start off I’d say in the Midwest right around like fifty fifty-five. And then they get up to this you know, sixty-nine seventy grand pretty quickly after that. And then finally you need a bachelor’s degree and they’re starting to mandate this before you can become a nurse. Just two years with an associate. Now at least where my wife works, they’re requiring four years.

Dental Hygienist

Then finally number 9 sticking in the vein of you guessed the health care, number 9 is a dental hygienist.

A dental hygienist is basically the person that you see before the dentist. They’re the one that cleans your teeth. They take your x rays. You know, they kind of get you comfortable before the dentist does his thing. They kind of educate you on proper care as well. Boston Dental School is still a very solid median pay. OK, so the job growth for a dental hygienist is 20 percent through twenty twenty-seven. The median salary is seventy-four thousand dollars. And schooling. Believe it or not, it is actually just an associate’s degree. You have to get certified and all that stuff. But it’s about two to three years and you’re making a very good median pay. There you have it, everybody. Those were nine jobs for the future that I think will do well. And if you want to increase your income and build your wealth, those are definitely nine solid careers to look into. So some of you may not be computer savvy. Some of you may not be tech-savvy or health savvy, but those are definitely two strong industries that are here to stay. I would hate to see some of my viewers, you know, become like a cobbler. You know, people that repair shoes and stuff like that, even though those are very honorable jobs. They just seem to be going by the wayside because, you know, society is not valuing those skills anymore, whether that’s right or wrong.


So at the end of the day, don’t get into a dead-end job. Don’t become, you know, a customer service person on the telephone. You know, don’t become a cashier. Those things are not bad jobs. But those are going to be automated. It’s simple as that. It’s inevitable. So it’s kind of like the person that was the blacksmith that made the horseshoes that got, you know, irrelevant when once cars came around. You have to be smart. You have to treat your career kind of like a business, meaning that you have to adjust for the times. So with all that being said, if you’ve got value out of this article, share it On social media and get in touch with us.


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